Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TOS Review - IEW's Teaching Boys and Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts all Day DVD

We received Andrew Pudewa's DVD, Teaching Boys and Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day from Institute For Excellence in Writing for review as part of the TOS Crew.

I feel like I should give you all a disclaimer before you read my review. I feel that I should let you all know that if there were an Andrew Pudewa fan club, I'd be a charter member. :)  Whenever he comes to our states convention, I try to sit in on every lecture that he is presenting and am disappointed if I miss one.

So, with that said, you know where I'm coming from and it will be no surprise that I thoroughly enjoyed this DVD. :)  The information presented was fascinating and eye opening. This DVD isn't just for parents of boys, and having girls that easily fall into the category of day dreaming, wannabe fort builders, I found the information presented to be very helpful in how we structure our homeschool day.

This DVD discusses the scientific data that conclusively shows there are differences between the genders.  What a shock, eh? Not to those of us with children that fit both genders but one that is propagated through many arenas, education being one of them.

The nitty gritty info:
Teaching Boys and Other Children Who Would Rather Build Forts All Day retails for $10.00

Run time is 80 min.

Quality of the product:
It should be noted that this is a taping of an actual lecture. As such, I would rate the quality of this product as very good. You can hear people laughing, coughing,  and moving around.  Also the volume of Andrew speaking  fluctuates.   I only mention this so you know what you are getting. :) None of the above detract from the overall message in any way and I still think $10 is a very fair price. 

Would I recommend this product?  Yes, and I have already to my homeschooling neighbor across the street! :)

IEW has many other products from spelling to writing to poetry memorization. All are excellent in quality and content. Check them out and if Andrew is speaking in your town sometime make sure you check out his lectures. You will be entertained and enlightened.

To see what others on the TOS crew thought of this DVD, or to see what they reviewed, we reviewed a variety of products :), click here.

 I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it.  I received no other compensation for this review.  The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions.


Lorus! said...

Good review. I think I need to look into this DVD.

Tristan said...

I agree, Andrew Pudewa is a favorite speaker of mine too. I learned tons from this DVD for both my girls and my boys. My husband even watched this and enjoyed it. (And enjoyed poking fun at me because I'm 'such a girl').
Great review!

Anonymous said...

I am planning to buy this because I have an almost-5 year old boy whom I'm wondering how in the world I'll ever be able to teach! Great review!
FM Chris from the Crew