Friday, May 23, 2008

Composer Study

I've posted You Tube videos of Camille Saint Saens,  The Carnival of the Animals.  To view them in order scroll down to the entry titled "Intro and The Lions" and work your way up to the top.

The kids have had a blast listening to this music and I hope you have as well.  Be sure to let us know which is your favorite piece. :)

Make sure to turn off the music player on the right side bar before playing the videos.


diamondsintherough said...


Thanks for posting these!! We LOVE watching the musicians. We'll definitely be back to watch again!


PS I see you have Little Britches on your free list. We loved that book as a read-aloud.

mamaforhim said...

Wow! you are like a kindred spirit! You look so "likeable" and we share some of the same music likes! I haven't checked out your whole play list, but I love Randy Travis and One True Media!!

Okay, here's the tag!

If you had to choose 5 foods on which to survive the remaining years of your life, what would they be? Answer as if because you can only choose 5, there would be no consequences of bad choices!!! No weight gain and cost is not a factor--what if they were free?? Oh and there is no limit on drinks-- you can have whatever you want at the time to wash it just mention the solid foods!

Mine are:

1)frozen cooked shrimp with cocktail sauce

2)Mrs. Field's Peanut butter dream bars

3)grilled zuchinni and yellow squash

4)sample platters of "chick food" tea sandwiches, etc...

5)popcorn chicken from KFC